As stated on the Welcome page, we are losing our beloved family members far too quickly. However, the realities of day-to-day life can in many ways preclude personal attendance at every memorial service.
I am dedicating this page to the loved ones lost since 2000, listed in the order of departure. In so doing we can all pay our respects in the best way we can, wherever we can.
Note: I have tried very hard to make the following images as clear and legible as possible but with limited success. If anyone would like to receive a copy of either document via email please send your request to me via email @
Also, it should be noted that I have limited this page to the direct descendants of Samuel E. Ewing and Fredrica Ewing. To expand the site to spouses, etc., would render the site unmanageable.
On March 11, 2024 we lost family member James “Jim or Jimmy” Brown. Befittingly born on Valentine’s Day in 1941, he was a loving soul and deeply loved by many.
As evidenced by the outpouring of love at his well-attended memorial service on March 24, Jim was at once deeply cared for and highly respected for his love of family and stellar career.
Please see below a copy of Jim’s complete, 12-page memorial service program. The program provides a detailed history of Jim’s personal and professional life and shares many of the touching farewell messages from his family members and friends.
Personally, there was special place in my heart for Jim. There was always a big smile and hug on those far too few occasions that we actually enjoyed each other’s company in person. I will truly miss him.
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I am saddened to announce to our family at large yet another loss of a beloved family member, Claudette (Houston) Johnson.
As described in detail in her obituary, Aunt Claudette was the granddaughter of Mama and Papa Brown, daughter of their eldest, Alice, and youngest sibling to Rose (my mom), Viola, and James.
It was my honor to attend her memorial service on March 21, 2022, poignantly the date of her 87th birthday. The outpouring of respect and adoration for Auntie from family and friends was abundant and heartfelt. Such is the unmistakable mark of a life well-lived.
Job well done, Auntie. Job well done. May you rest in peace. | |
Another tragic loss of a family elder: Dorothy Ewing Neely, Daughter of Mildred and Samuel Ewing, son of Samuel and Fredericka Ewing. Dorothy's daughter, Judith, recently wrote the following about her service in a broadcast email message to our family: "My mother looked beautiful and at peace. She is truly missed. Her funeral went well...Aaron Michael and Dorothy were here from Atlanta; and Michael provided wonderful reflection. My mother's only surviing sibling Cordelia and husband (Lester), l along with her children (3) and grandchildren (2) were here from Texas.Thanks for your prayers, calls, and other expressios of love. Judith"